Feeling Stuck? Tired of Repeating the Same Struggles?

Discover the 7 Ancient Truths Given To The Richest Man Who Ever Lived

During A Near Death Experience

Which Have The Power To Change Everything!

Immediately Seize Control Of Your Life, Your Current Level Of Happiness And Create The Future You Desire

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Feeling Stuck? Tired of Repeating the Same Struggles?

Discover the 7 Ancient Wealth Secrets Used By The

Richest Man That Ever Lived 

To Go From Extreme Poverty to Total Abundance

Immediately Seize Control Of Your Life, Your Current Level Of Happiness And Create The Future You Desire

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Get Exclusive Access To My Amazon Best Seller In This Short Audiobook

Get Exclusive Access To My Amazon Best Seller In This Short Audiobook

Inside This Short Audiobook...

You’ll discover how to seize control of your life and your future. 

You’ll have the ability to literally dictate future events and then watch as they transpire at some future date!  
Inside This Short Audiobook...

You’ll discover how to seize control of your life and your future. 

You’ll have the ability to literally dictate future events and then watch as they transpire at some future date!  

28 years ago, I came across the unpublished writings of Sultan Musa of Mali, the richest man to ever walk the earth… and my life changed dramatically!

read, with spell binding fascination, about the near death experience Musa had at the age of twelve wherein he met a man made of light who taught him how the world works. By employing the principles in Musa’s writings, my life changed dramatically, rapidly and all for the better!

After experiencing far greater success myself, I began sharing these principles with others. Without exception, everyone who applied them went on to enjoy tremendous, positive change in
their lives as well.

Sultan Musa of Mali taught me how to get success to come to me instead of trying to figure it out and slog it out through my own efforts. Life, work and building my future became an exciting and fun adventure instead of a dreaded grind.

A couple years ago, I was ready to retire on my farm in Belize… when I got the strongest feeling that I can’t do that until I’ve shared this information with a lot more people… like millions of people!


I’ve always known that I had an obligation to share the gift of the Sultan’s Seven Secrets with as many people as possible before I retire, and have now made it my personal mission to share these secret's as far as I possibly can.

I couldn’t just say “Thanks” for this priceless gift that had been given to me and then wander off into the sunset. 

Nor was it enough to have shared this information with the hundreds of people who had approached me for advice over the years. 

After experiencing the changes I underwent, having been frustrated, uncertain and even scared before discovering the Sultan’s Seven Secrets, I was then transformed into a bold, confident, ultra-successful person, I knew I had to get this information out to everyone who could take advantage of it. 

I knew I couldn’t quit until I’d presented this information to literally everyone who would avail themselves of it. 

I hope and pray that you’ll be one of those people.

28 years ago, I came across the unpublished writings of Sultan Musa of Mali, the richest man to ever walk the earth… and my life changed dramatically!

read, with spell binding fascination, about the near death experience Musa had at the age of twelve wherein he met a man made of light who taught him how the world works. By employing the principles in Musa’s writings, my life changed dramatically, rapidly and all for the better!

After experiencing far greater success myself, I began sharing these principles with others. Without exception, everyone who applied them went on to enjoy tremendous, positive change in their lives as well. 

Sultan Musa of Mali taught me how to get success to come to me instead of trying to figure it out and slog it out through my own efforts. Life, work and building my future became an exciting and fun adventure instead of a dreaded grind.

A couple years ago, I was ready to retire on my farm in Belize… when I got the strongest feeling that I can’t do that until I’ve shared this information with a lot more people… like millions of people!


I’ve always known that I had an obligation to share the gift of the Sultan’s Seven Secrets with as many people as possible before I retire, and have now made it my personal mission to share these secret's as far as I possibly can.

I couldn’t just say “Thanks” for this priceless gift that had been given to me and then wander off into the sunset. 

Nor was it enough to have shared this information with the hundreds of people who had approached me for advice over the years. 

After experiencing the changes I underwent, having been frustrated, uncertain and even scared before discovering the Sultan’s Seven Secrets, I was then transformed into a bold, confident, ultra-successful person, I knew I had to get this information out to everyone who could take advantage of it. 

I knew I couldn’t quit until I’d presented this information to literally everyone who would avail themselves of it. 

I hope and pray that you’ll be one of those people.

People Are Loving
 'The Sultan's Seven Secrets'...

"I've read the book about twelve times now."
Using what Jeff teaches, I've been able to create about $20,000 of dental work for my husband, healed two estranged relationships and even created a boat to take my grandkids out to create memories with them. This has been completely life changing for me. I will always be doing this from here on out in my life.
- Tammi I., USA
"Jeff definitely impacted my life by opening the door to the idea that magical thinking is allowed..."
I've got such a beautiful life and yet I was depressed and this completely changed and open up my life in ways that I had no idea was even possible.
- Lisa J.
"I finished it in one night because I wanted to see how it would end. I wasn't disappointed."
What I liked best about the book is it was very relatable and very simple to understand. There were no far out concepts, it just made a lot of sense and flowed. 
- Ryan B.
"Thank Jeff. You have helped so many people."
You make such a difference to our planet. Wonder other manifester teachers feed you crumbs. You give the whole loaf of bread. Big thumbs up to you brother.
- Robert B.
"...There were so many good parts that it's hard to pick."
However, spirit building, becoming a coincidence hunter and starting with the end result as the focus rather than the how have reduced the anxiety I've always held!!!
- Georgene M.
"...I’ve listened to it about 20 times now."
I just love listening to it.  The way the book is packaged up is idiot proof! Jeff found a way to take seemingly complex scientific and spiritual stuff and package it in a way that's just fun, direct, and simple but most importantly it's just really beautiful and sincere. 
- Travis G.
"Hi...what can I say? I was extremely skeptical."
What I learned from the book alone will change my life. It gave the missing link from all the other "manifestation" concepts I have studied before.
- Monique F.
"Jeff has a wonderful voice that’s extremely soothing and easy to listen to."
My very favorite thing about the book is that it gives you permission to be a child at heart again and to be playful and to enjoy life. It's thrilling to know that my life and every heartbeat I have is a blessing and an adventure!  
- Carissa M., USA
"...literally my whole life changed from the moment I got the audio book."
I have listened to the book probably I don't know going on eight or nine times now, I have it in my car running non stop and I just cannot get enough of it and I keep hearing new things.
- Lisa J., Hawaii
©2023 - All Rights Reserved

People Are Loving
 'The Sultan's Seven Secrets'...

"I've read the book about twelve times now."
Using what Jeff teaches, I've been able to create about $20,000 of dental work for my husband, healed two estranged relationships and even created a boat to take my grandkids out to create memories with them. This has been completely life changing for me. I will always be doing this from here on out in my life.
- Tammi I., USA
"Jeff definitely impacted my life by opening the door to the idea that magical thinking is allowed..."
I've got such a beautiful life and yet I was depressed and this completely changed and open up my life in ways that I had no idea was even possible.
- Lisa J.
"I finished it in one night because I wanted to see how it would end. I wasn't disappointed."
What I liked best about the book is it was very relatable and very simple to understand. There were no far out concepts, it just made a lot of sense and flowed. 
- Ryan B.

"I've listened to the whole thing four times and I'm seriously in awe of what I've been able to create using what Jeff teaches."
Julie L.

"Thank Jeff. You have helped so many people."
You make such a difference to our planet. Wonder other manifester teachers feed you crumbs. You give the whole loaf of bread. Big thumbs up to you brother.
- Robert B.
"...There were so many good parts that it's hard to pick."
However, spirit building, becoming a coincidence hunter and starting with the end result as the focus rather than the how have reduced the anxiety I've always held!!!
- Georgene M.
"...I’ve listened to it about 20 times now."
I just love listening to it.  The way the book is packaged up is idiot proof! Jeff found a way to take seemingly complex scientific and spiritual stuff and package it in a way that's just fun, direct, and simple but most importantly it's just really beautiful and sincere. 
- Travis G.
"Hi...what can I say? I was extremely skeptical."
What I learned from the book alone will change my life. It gave the missing link from all the other "manifestation" concepts I have studied before.
- Monique F.
"Jeff has a wonderful voice that’s extremely soothing and easy to listen to."
My very favorite thing about the book is that it gives you permission to be a child at heart again and to be playful and to enjoy life. It's thrilling to know that my life and every heartbeat I have is a blessing and an adventure!  
- Carissa M., USA
"...literally my whole life changed from the moment I got the audio book."
I have listened to the book probably I don't know going on eight or nine times now, I have it in my car running non stop and I just cannot get enough of it and I keep hearing new things.
- Lisa, Hawaii
©2024 - All Rights Reserved